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Arlyn Imperial - Sis. Arlyn Imperial

Ephesians 5:19 KJV "Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;"

Playing the Piano has been my grade school dream which God fulfilled when He which God fulfilled when He saved me at the age of 23 on February 18,1993. He gave me the desire and the persistence to learn music on my own in the hope of one day I could play the instrument. I started to play the church organ in 1994. Using the basic skills in music, I use other references to learn on my own and would practice and practice to further enhance my skills. Then an unexpected thing happened.

God called me to be a pianist for MBBC Toronto in an unconventional way. Though unprepared and unequipped, I made myself available to God and trusted Him. The rest is history.

Nenita Velasco - Sis. Nenita Velasco

Matthew 19:14 KJV "But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not,to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven."

My ministry deals with teaching children from preschool to middle school about the goodness of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Though there were no possible students back then, God gave a vision to Pastor Romano to have a Sunday school ministry.Hence, MBBC Toronto Sunday School Ministry was born. When the Pastor asked for volunteers who will teach Sunday school, I responded and was soon appointed as the her.

Looking at this ministry now, God has truly blessed us. The children's Sunday school is growing. The children are learning from the Word of God and it is such a joy to see them apply God’s Word in their lives. I praise God for our beloved Pastor and for the faithful teachers who love God and are committed to this ministry.

I give back all glory and praises to God.

Myrna Tabita - Sis. Myrna Tabita

Matthew 28:19-20 KJV "19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: 20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen."

Soulwinning is a command from God to every christian (Matthew 4:19) and this is the heart of the church. Without a soul winning church, the church will die slowly. As one of the leaders of MBBC Soul Winning Ministry, I thank and praise God for entrusting me with this ministry through our beloved Pastor. It's a real blessing that God used me even though I'm not worthy to be a leader. It is only by God's grace can I do this.

Soul winning is a huge blessing to me because I was reached by the Gospel through soul winning… after which I was led to the right Church to serve our Lord Jesus Christ. As one of the leaders of the Soul winning ministry, it brings real joy to my heart to see souls being saved, grow in their Christian faith, mature and share the Gospel to others as well. Of course challenges are always part of every ministry and leadership. My challenge at present is on how to be a more effective leader in this Ministry. As a leader I need to be an example. They should see in me the love, passion, boldness and confidence in sharing the Gospel to anyone ( not being selective). I should demonstrate the compassion for the lost souls, patience to follow up and to disciple newly converts and firmness in teaching how to be an effective soul winner for the glory of God.

My goal in this ministry is for each and every lady of MBBC Toronto to have the compassion and boldness in sharing the Gospel to the lost and dying world.

All praises and Glory to God.

Trixie Velasco - Sis. Trixie Velasco

Ecclesiastes .9:10 “Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest.”

Thirteen years ago, the church needed a replacement to take over the job of editing and printing the programs distributed every Sunday. It was in a church meeting and re-election of officers when I raised my hand and volunteered to take on the responsibility. I was only fourteen years old and during that time, doing the bulletin, in my eyes, was merely a responsibility, not a ministry. Little did I know then that this “job” will become an important part of my Christian life. And just like the format of the program that has changed drastically over the years,my perspective has also changed. I now view doing the bulletin as a God-given ministry. It is no longer a responsibility, but a privilege to serve an amazing God and show my thanksgiving to the One who loves me in spite of what I am.

However, just like every undertaking in life, this ministry was not free from obstacles. In my case, the greatest challenge I had to overcome was myself. My lack of time management almost made me give up this ministry a couple of times. But God gave me the strength and helped me to not give up by making me realize that I am still a work in progress (Philippians 1:6) If God hasn’t given up on me, then who was I to give up on myself? Through this ministry, God has shown me aspects of my life that I needed to work on and I am still working on. Aside from these lessons that I have learned, this ministry has blessed me in many ways. Since the program includes a prayer list, I am able to see God’s faithfulness time and time again through answered prayers. Throughout the years, I have “cut” many items from the prayer request list and “pasted” them on the praises and thanksgiving list. It’s amazing to see God’s hand working in the lives of the members. I have also seen the tremendous growth of the church and God giving the increase when it came to the attendance report in the bulletin.

I praise and thank God for giving me an opportunity to serve Him even in something as small as doing the bulletin. No matter what obstacles I may face in the future, I will keep on doing the bulletin because this ministry was given to me by God and I know that He is with me. I may not be perfect, but I am loved by a perfect God who is not finished with me yet. Just as I will keep working on my Christian life, I will also do my best to make sure I don’t mix up the dates and forget people’s birthdays anymore on the bulletin.

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